The governing law of this Contract shall be the substantive law of California. 这份合同的官方法律定为加利福尼亚洲当地法律。
Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana. 指导法律:协议由印第安纳州法律指导,并由此法律解释。
In judicial syllogism, the significance of logic-judgment is: to embody the philosophy of governing by law; 逻辑判断在司法三段论中的意义是:体现现代法治理念;
Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida ( excluding conflicts of laws principles) applicable to contracts to be performed in the State of Florida. 制约法律.本协议受佛罗里达州法律制约(律原则发生冲突除外)适用于在佛罗里达州执行的合同。
GOVERNING LAW: This order shall be governed by the laws of P.R.China. 管辖法律:本采购订单将被中国法律所管辖。
So the interactive balance between power and rights should be resumed, providing a platform to apply the combination of governing by law and governing by morality. 正在成长中的市民社会萌发的权利意识能够有效地根除权力腐败现象,恢复权力与权利之间的互动平衡,从而为法治与德治的有机结合提供一个实践平台。
Clinical Study of the New Governing Law in the Treatment of Recurrent Gout 泄浊祛瘀健脾益肾法治疗痛风反复发作的临床观察
Song Xin Wei treatment of rheumatoid arthritis experience, summed up in rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis, the governing law Bi five, along with postmortem cases the burden of proof. 介绍宋欣伟治疗类风湿关节炎经验,总结出类风湿关节炎病因病机,提出治痹五法,并附验案举证。
After that, the issue from the international treaty law and the international private law is emphasized and the conclusion is that the court must hear the cases strictly in accordance with the governing law which is directed by the conflict rules in the relevant domestic laws. 最后得出结论:在我国船舶油污民事赔偿责任案件的审理过程中,法院应严格根据我国相关法律中的冲突规范指引找到正确适用的准据法,并应严格适用该准据法审理案件。
Damp-heat in Spleen and Stomach Diseases in the Digestive System Governing the Law of Evidence 脾胃湿热在消化系统中多种疾病的诊治规律
In the countries of continental Europe and those areas influenced by them, the governing law dates back to Roman law and is known as the civil law system. 在欧洲大陆国家和受它们影响的地区,目前适用的法律可追溯到罗马法,被称为大陆法系统。
Extorting a confession by torture is model behavior of cruel torture in modern society, it is the trample of mankind's inherent dignity, the open challenge governing of law. 刑讯逼供是现代社会司法中存留的酷刑之典型表现,它是对人类固有尊严的践踏,是对法治的公然挑战。
All local people's governments should lend support to people's courts in trying cases of disputes over financial claims and debts independently and impartially according to law, strengthen the cultivation of the sense and mentality of legality, and create a favorable environment for governing by law. 各地人民政府要支持人民法院依法独立、公正审理金融债权债务纠纷案件,加强法律意识和法制观念的培育,营造良好的法治环境。
Through the above way, promoting all levels of governments and the general administrative firmly fostering the responsibility consciousness and governing by law consciousness, and then serving the public as well as the development of economy and society more efficiently. 通过上述方式和途径,促进各级政府和广大公务员牢固地树立责任意识和法治意识,高效率地服务公众,服务经济和社会的发展。
Governing law between two neighbouring instable lobes in machining stability chart 切削加工稳定图中相邻不稳定叶瓣间的控制规律
We should persist in studying law, applying law and governing law, combine legal education into ideological& ethics education. 要坚持学法和用法、普法和治理相结合;要坚持把法制教育和思想道德教育紧密结合起来;
Governing by law has dual effect on new country construction: promoting or restricting its construction. 法治对于新农村建设具有规范制约与促进保障的双重作用。
Analyzed are factors affecting thermal load on air-cooled diesel engines and governing law of its variation and matching of thermal load with cooling system. 本文以试验为基础,分析了风冷柴油机热负荷的影响因素及其变化规律,以及与冷却系的匹配关系。
Reformation and opening and modern civilization need governing by law. Times and the people are calling governing by law. 改革开放和现代文明需要法治,时代和人民呼唤法治;
Governing by law helps the country and the people build modern civilization and it becomes the symbol of modern civilization. 法治帮助国家和人民打造现代文明,法治成为现代文明的标志。
The paper deals with the governing law between two neighbouring instable lobes in machining stability chart. 本文研究了切削加工稳定图中相邻两个不稳定叶瓣之间的控制规律。
It is a cutting point and local point for understanding governing law and political culture from the view of history and reality, strategy and plolicy. 从某种意义上说,作为执政能力基本构成的舆论影响能力,可以视为从历史与现实、战略与对策视角认识执政规律和政治文化的切入点与着力点。
In modem Chinese, it mainly means governing by law. 在现代汉语中主要指依法治理。
Governing by law is in accordance with constitution and laws. 依法执政就是依照宪法法律执政,依靠宪法法律执政。
Creating sound environment governing by law; 创造良好的法治环境;
In China, The most significant relationship doctrine has been adopted to choose the governing law for the contracts of guarantee with foreign elements in both legislative practices and judicial practices. 我国在立法和司法实践中也都采纳了根据最密切联系原则来确定涉外担保合同纠纷准据法的做法。
Governing law is a supplement law, including fill the stomach, Warming, supplement qi and blood, yin and so the frequency of 68 patients in a variety of therapies accounted for 13.18%. 其中属补法的,包括补脾胃,温补,补气血,滋阴等,频数为68例,在各种治法中占13.18%。
In order to adapt to changes and developments in international business operations, different countries and regions try to adopt new conflict rules to choose the governing law for disputes concerning the security interest on movables or intangibles. 为了适应国际经济交往活动的变化和发展,不同国家和地区对于在一些特殊情况下如何处理动产和无形财产担保物权争议的法律适用问题进行了不同程度的突破和尝试。
Only if we combine human governing and law governing as well as human and law can the healthy development the society be realized. 实现社会的健康和良性发展,需要将人治与法治结合起来,将人与法结合起来。